Riechaa Parashar

"ज्ञान का होना और ज्ञान को जीना दोनो अलग बाते हैं।"

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Healing; The word in itself is so serene and gives off a vibe of peacefulness and yet, most of us do not experience the healing of our old wounds, and traumas or recover from some of the gruesome experiences in life. Riechaa Parashar’s Healing sessions primarily center on the spiritual healing of a person, if your soul is healed – your body and the mind will follow. Her Guidance ranges from career, family relationships, and interpersonal relationships to Intrapersonal Relationships.

Riechaa Parashar’s HEALING SESSIONS have healed and rejuvenated the lives of many around the world. Born with the capabilities of a healer, she has managed to save and revive the lives of around 5,00,000 people around the globe. She was born with this capability of healing and this power of hers, has been her strength in her journey and she has always been willing to change the lives of others for the better.


Healing; The word in itself is so serene and gives off a vibe of peacefulness and yet, most of us do not experience the healing of our old wounds, and traumas or recover from some of the gruesome experiences in life. Riechaa Parashar’s Healing sessions primarily center on the spiritual healing of a person, if your soul is healed – your body and the mind will follow. Her Guidance ranges from career, family relationships, and interpersonal relationships to Intrapersonal Relationships.


Having illogical fears and phobias or incurable ailments or diseases can also be a result of your shortcomings in the life you had led before. The heart, body, and mind are transformed or regressed into the past life, and the spirit or the soul is made to remember which pathway it went in its previously occupied body – to visit, recall and remember the roots from where our current issues have stemmed from.

Burn Your Karmic account is a form of spiritual therapy where our previous incarnations are restored by accessing the memories stored in our subconscious minds and diving deeper into finding the solution for the untreatable issues they have been facing in their present life.


Having illogical fears and phobias or incurable ailments or diseases can also be a result of your shortcomings in the life you had led before. The heart, body, and mind are transformed or regressed into the past life, and the spirit or the soul is made to remember which pathway it went in its previously occupied body – to visit, recall and remember the roots from where our current issues have stemmed from.


Spiritual guidance or psychic reading basically means getting answers at the right time and you get settled with the proper answer. This is what Riechaa Parashar is, a bridge between us and the divine. She is the soul who has solutions for each and every question.

Tapping into your energy she sees things about your past, present, or future and you get to improve yourself and your life, this is what Psychic reading (Spiritual Guidance) is.


Spiritual guidance or psychic reading basically means getting answers at the right time and you get settled with the proper answer. This is what Riechaa Parashar is, a bridge between us and the divine. She is the soul who has solutions for each and every question.

Tapping into your energy she sees things about your past, present, or future and you get to improve yourself and your life, this is what Psychic reading (Spiritual Guidance) is.