Riechaa Parashar

Find freedom from the negative impacts of past life karmas and impressions on your life

Past Life Regression with Riechaa Parashar
Past Life Regression with Riechaa Parashar

Past Life Regression

Have you ever visited a place which is a completely new place but you get the feeling that you had visited this place before? It is possible that it is a glimpse from your past life; Having illogical fears and phobias or incurable ailments or diseases can also be a result of your shortcomings from the life you had led before. Our souls are immortal and eternal and we only change our physical forms. The saying, “One soul, Many bodies” progressively describes the concept of settling your karmic account. Several techniques and ways are used to recall the past and bygone lives our soul has lived through. Our scriptures acknowledge the concept of reincarnation and our soul carrying the karma of our past life into the new body our soul has entered.

Settle Your Karmic Account

Settle Your Karmic Account by Riechaa Parashar actively hunts down your karmic cycle from your past life and exposes you to your shortcomings, which in turn will help you to solve your existing issue in this life itself. It means, bringing out our unconscious thoughts into the medium of the conscious thoughts to recall our past life. The body is the manifestation of the soul and is only a carrier of the soul- which acts as the driving force behind the daily functioning of our body system. And, when the soul reappears with a new body- all the memories and thought processes of our previously led life are hidden in the subconscious. Uncovering these hidden memories is a task we all need to undertake to end our sufferings in the present life and to break the pattern of trauma we will potentially face in this life after life cycle.

Riechaa Parashar has very mindfully designed Past Life Regression to make you experience a new beginning in the present and unravel and uncover the trauma of the past. Her belief that nothing is impossible and everything can be solved at the current level we are residing in, is a major influence on the success of the Past Life Regression therapy.


Riechaa Parashar

Riechaa Parashar is a divine soul, with a heart of gold- who is born with very special spiritual powers. The name Riechaa got its meaning from the Vedas which is “to praise”. She believes in “oneness” or “Advaita” and she has always believed that “Nothing is Impossible”.

She is a pure soul, who has the powers to achieve the impossible. She recognized her Healing Ability alongside her Intuitive Powers at the young age of 10 and since then she has gone on to transform the lives of many around the globe.

Riechaa Parashar has helped more than 2,00,000 people worldwide through her spiritual abilities. She is here to heal people with happiness and a big smile on her face. She has a heart of gold, and eyes in which one can see her pure and divine self. She can cure people from chronic diseases, depression, anxiety, and much more using her healing abilities.


Riechaa Parashar

Riechaa Parashar is a divine soul, with a heart of gold- who is born with very special spiritual powers. The name Riechaa got its meaning from the Vedas that is “to praise”. She believes in “oneness” or “Advaita” and she has always believed that “Nothing is Impossible”.

She is a pure soul, who has the powers to achieve the impossible. She recognized her Healing Ability alongside her Intuitive Powers at the young age of 10 and since then she has gone on to transform the lives of many around the globe.

Riechaa Parashar has helped more than 2,00,000 people worldwide through her spiritual abilities. She is here to heal people with happiness and a big smile on her face. She has a heart of gold, and eyes in which one can see her pure and divine self. She can cure people from chronic diseases, depression, anxiety, and much more using her healing abilities.

Benefits of PLR

  • Release negative thoughts, behaviors, & patterns
  • Prevent & heal all stress-related diseases
  • Discover & eliminate the root cause of a physical ailment
  • Alleviate deep rooted mental & emotional issues
  • Experience freedom from the baggage of the past
  • Increase clarity of thinking & perception
  • Experience certainty & contentment within you
  • Enhance your immunity levels for good overall health
  • Overcome all anxieties, fears, & worries from your life
  • Heal the trauma from past lives that still affects you

Benefits of PLR

  • Release negative thoughts, behaviors, & patterns
  • Prevent & heal all stress-related diseases
  • Discover & eliminate the root cause of a physical ailment
  • Alleviate deep rooted mental & emotional issues
  • Experience freedom from the baggage of the past
  • Increase clarity of thinking & perception
  • Experience certainty & contentment within you
  • Enhance your immunity levels for good overall health
  • Overcome all anxieties, fears, & worries from your life
  • Heal the trauma from past lives that still affects you


Magical Experiences

Rakesh Sondhi

Business Analyst

Rakesh Sondhi, a twenty-two-year-old young man who is a resident of Delhi used to suffer from regular and random jerks in the neck region of his body; Often he would complain of experiencing trembles and a high amount of palpitations in his chest area as well. His body would also often undergo these typical seizures or jerks which he could not ever explain, the neck and chest area of his body would often feel completely different from that of the rest of his body, it felt as if his neck and shoulder blades were completely different or not a part of one another. These occurrences were indeed pretty bizarre to him. Over the course of time, he began to think and believe that his body was perhaps highly charged with meditative vibrations and he was blessed with a normally meditative body. However, the issue kept on going, he felt immense pain and heavy vibrations over the neck, shoulder, and chest area which he won’t be able to sustain, and even after having consulted several doctors, physiotherapists, and so on, he could not find a cure for the same. It was then he reached out at the doors of Spiritual Guide Riechaa Parashar. After going through the course of SETTLE YOUR KARMIC ACCOUNT which comprised a total of three sessions, he could uncover what caused these vibrations in his body. In his previous life, Rakesh was the son of a wealthy and prosperous Zamindar with no trouble in living a rich life. He had everything he could ask for. However, he had sexually abused a young woman because of which, as a brutal punishment his head was chopped off of his body with a bone-cutting ax- his beheaded body had trembled and shivered all through the time till he died. Turns out, this was the reason behind him suffering from regular vibrations in his neck and chest area- his soul had carried the pain and the quivering to this present life. Once he knew what had caused his issue he knew how to help himself and this problem of trembling and high vibration in his neck and chest area was resolved. His problem was solved miraculously after meeting Riechaa Parashar.

Anisha Sharma

Software Engineer

Anisha Sharma, a forty-three-year-old lady was fearful of the dark; Her fear was not just of the dark secluded areas or rooms but she also had a peculiar fear of men, also known as androphobia. Her married life had suffered immensely to her irrational fear or phobia of dark rooms and men, she could not sleep next to her husband or even sit alone in a dark room- this issue had escalated to the point when she had visited several psychologists, doctors and psychiatrists to diagnose this issue but nothing helped. By now, two of her marriages had been broken due to this fear of hers. Her irrational fear and her apprehension with establishing and forming physical contact with her partners and this attitude of not being able to sleep or stay in dark secluded rooms had teared up her marriage and her ability to form connections and relationships with the opposite sex. And, she had reached out at the doorstep of Riechaa Parashar. After going through SETTLE YOUR KARMIC ACCOUNT, Anisha uncovered a dark secret of her past life- she was a woman who had been abused- physically, emotionally, sexually by her husband in the past life and was kept captive in a dark room for over twenty years; This was why she had troubles in forming physical relationships with her husband in the present life and was so scared of the dark. This fear of hers was solved and healed miraculously with only two sessions by Riechaa Parashar in the present.

Sujata Mishra

Nutrition Expert

Sujata Mishra, a young woman of twenty-five had suffered from burning sensations and extreme pain in her right side of the body- the right hip, the right limb, the right ankle, and the right knee throughout her childhood, teenhood, and adult life. The issue had increased and she had already checked in with several physiotherapists and doctors to decrease her regular burning pain but nothing helped. The burning of her right leg and her hip also affected her ability to perform simple and everyday tasks; She had also begun to question her sanity at this point because no doctor or physiotherapist could diagnose or help her with her issues. It felt as if she had nowhere to go. After having had enough and having suffered enough with this chronic pain she sought help in Riechaa Parashar. Going through SETTLE YOUR KARMIC ACCOUNT and with only one session, Sujata realized the gruesome way she had died in her previous life. She was trapped in a burning house and her right side of the body was severely injured by the burning pole which had fallen on her right limb, she had attempted to save herself but could not and carried this pain of burn in her next life. Undergoing SETTLE YOUR KARMIC ACCOUNT helped her to understand the reason behind her burning sensations in her right side of the body and she could solve it with the help of Riechaa Parashar.

Mohit Chauhan


Mohit Chauhan, an eighteen-year-old young boy has extremely inappropriate and had always gained perverted thoughts towards girls and women of all ages; He would often touch young baby girls inappropriately and claim that he had fun by assaulting her, he would even look at his own mother in inappropriate ways and things had escalated one day when he tried to grope his aunt. His lust and sexual desires were polluting his head.
To him, it felt as if he was an animal with no sense of morality, ethics, or compassion for women or femininity. It was as if every woman was a toy for him.
In the end, after having no help from others he reached the doorstep of Riechaa Parashar.
SETTLE YOUR KARMIC ACCOUNT made him recall his previous life- where he had assaulted countless women sexually- starting from his mother to a random girl on the streets. He was like an animal in the flesh of a human and tragically when he died, his soul had carried his desire to get physically involved with women to his present life.
His issue of being addicted to lust and physical encounters was solved in just one session and he now leads a healthy life with a healthy mind.


It depends, the duration of the session varies from person to person.

The session can be conducted online via Zoom or in an offline format.

The charge for the PLR / Settle Your Karmic Account session is Rs 40,000/-

It depends from person to person. According to one’s case, it is decided by Riechaa Parashar.