Riechaa Parashar

Join us to Activate & Rejuvenate the voice of your intuition!

What is Intuition?

It is said that if you have a life, you have a purpose and that little voice which pops up in your head with instant advice is your intuition, and working on it is a prominent part of the spiritual culture.

Intuition is knowledge that is not contributed by our logical and cognitive capabilities. It is the art of knowing or embracing your gut feeling. In a world where we all are taught to follow the footsteps of those older than us – teachers, elders, parents, and so on, we all need to learn to embrace and act on the voice of our intuition. We are cluttered by so many things that we can’t really hear that thin voice because we are actually not brought up that way.

Intuition is a tool that combines knowledge with intelligence and works together to form an opinion and helps in decision-making. It is the factor that enables us to know what we already are aware of.

Fine-tune your intuition with this 2-day program that’s available for Adults & Kids too!

Why do you need to strengthen your intuition?

In a world that always tells us to fit in and follow the rules and the footsteps of our precursors, children, especially teens begin to lose their ability to make decisions on their own. They follow the same rules, and the same regulations and feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion and frustration. It is the strengthening of their intuition and intuitive powers which allows them to grow- the complex choices in life can easily be solved by strengthening our intuition.

The Intuitive powers when grown and restored would also help in diving deeper into our consciousness and will help us to understand these negative emotions and the cause of them and will actively remove their negative feelings.

Why do you need to strengthen your intuition?

In a world that always tells us to fit in and follow the rules and the footsteps of our precursors, children, especially teens begin to lose their ability to make decisions on their own. They follow the same rules, and the same regulations and feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion and frustration. It is the strengthening of their intuition and intuitive powers which allows them to grow- the complex choices in life can easily be solved by strengthening our intuition.

The Intuitive powers when grown and restored would also help in diving deeper into our consciousness and will help us to understand these negative emotions and the cause of them and will actively remove their negative feelings.

Benefits of Intuition Within

  • Solve your communication issues
  • Your decision making ability will increase
  • Your creativity increases
  • Bring you one step closer to your destiny
  • Brings harmony with better-shared relationships

Benefits of Intuition Within

  • Solve your communication issues
  • Your decision making ability will increase
  • Your creativity increases
  • Your will to do better will increase
  • Bring you one step closer to your destiny

Riechaa Parashar’s belief in Nothing is impossible and everything has a cure is very much related to her Intuitive capabilities. It is our Intuition that makes us what we are and actively leads us to our destiny.

Why Register?

Enhances Self-Esteem

Energizes the mind

Helps you in working on your goals

Helps you to move out of your comfort zone


Saurabh Muzumdar Lawyer

This course was a very exciting journey for me. It had so many beautiful techniques and processes to help me enhance my intuitive powers. My clarity of mind improved, and I have started to make much better daily decisions. Listening to my intuition has brought an entirely new dimension into my life. From the smallest of decisions to the more important ones, I am confident in my ability to make good decisions when I am faced with one. It has also brought much-needed harmony into my relationships.

Jeet Dayal Landscape Architect

After I did the Intuition Within course, I started to see its effects instantly. My self-confidence improved, and my ability to judge situations correctly saw improvement. Overall, I trusted myself to make the right decisions with greater accuracy. Using my intuition, I was able to select the right company for me to work at, as I was having a hard time choosing which would be the best company for my career. I feel very happy and comfortable in my new job. I now have colleagues with whom I have a good understanding.

Shruti Gaur Financial Accountant

My experience has been absolutely amazing! It was filled with valuable techniques & tips on improving our intuitive ability. It has helped me to stay clear from making the wrong decisions. Before doing the program, I struggled with indecision & confusion whenever I was faced with a decision to be made. I was unable to identify the right one. But, the intuition program has helped me to get to know myself in a much deeper & comprehensive way. I have been able to identify & act upon the intuitive thought.