Riechaa Parashar

Open up all your money blockages & learn to live a more financially abundant life.

Money Magnet with Riechaa Parashar


Manifests your Financial Goals

Everyone would like to increase their income, and enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle. But most people have a tense relationship with money. It becomes a challenge for them to attract money into their life. This causes one to lose hope in one’s financial goals. Many people are unable to attract money due to their belief systems about money and about themselves. The fact is that financial success starts in your mind. The Money magnet program is a powerful tool for changing your belief system such that it will open you to the abundance which is always available to you.


Money Magnet Program

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Take Charge of Your Financial Life


Riechaa Parashar

Riechaa Parashar is a divine soul, with a heart of gold- who is born with very special spiritual powers. The name Riechaa got its meaning from the Vedas that is “to praise”. She believes in “oneness” or “Advaita” and she has always believed that “Nothing is Impossible”.

She is a pure soul, who has the powers to achieve the impossible. She recognized her Healing Ability alongside her Intuitive Powers at the young age of 10 and since then she has gone on to transform the lives of many around the globe.

Riechaa Parashar has helped more than 2,00,000 people worldwide through her spiritual abilities. She is here to heal people with happiness and a big smile on her face. She has a heart of gold, and eyes in which one can see her pure and divine self. She can cure people from chronic diseases, depression, anxiety, and much more using her healing abilities.


Riechaa Parashar

Riechaa Parashar is a divine soul, with a heart of gold- who is born with very special spiritual powers. The name Riechaa got its meaning from the Vedas which is “to praise”. She believes in “oneness” or “Advaita” and she has always believed that “Nothing is Impossible”.

She is a pure soul, who has the powers to achieve the impossible. She recognized her Healing Ability alongside her Intuitive Powers at the young age of 10 and since then she has gone on to transform the lives of many around the globe.

Riechaa Parashar has helped more than 2,00,000 people worldwide through her spiritual abilities. She is here to heal people with happiness and a big smile on her face. She has a heart of gold, and eyes in which one can see her pure and divine self. She can cure people from chronic diseases, depression, anxiety, and much more using her healing abilities.


Money Magnet?

What Others Feel

I did this course last time and it was truly life transformational. This teaching of Riechaa Parashar, which is – Money is not a matter but a form of energy, has changed my view and I have already started attracting money. Riechaa Parashar taught us how to balance our numerological chart and removed all the blockages which stop us from attracting money energy. She also taught us some techniques which we can use in the future to attract a particular amount in a particular time along with strong conviction. It is worth much more than every penny and a must do course!

Gayatri Kulkarni


Money Magnet was a much needed program for me, it helped to open up many blockages which I was not even aware of. The knowledge points given by Riechaa Parashar opened up my mind to a whole new dimension of earning money. Learning about the nature of money and knowing that anyone can make money in a huge number of ways was really uplifting and empowering. I used to consider myself to be destined to earn a small and limited amount of money in my life because of my personality type. This wrong belief system got shattered and that brought great relief within me and it also gave me a positive outlook towards my future. The processes and meditations we learnt were truly amazing. I feel deeply calm and content after completing the program. I am very confident about the fact that I will be able to live the life that I dream about.

Aishwar Singh


Financial problems are something I have struggled with for a very long time. I had many aspirations and plans of setting up a new business and increase my monetary income, but nothing was working. I felt as if there was a blockage somewhere which was stopping me from doing what I wanted to do. I reached out to Riecha Parashar for money magnet sessions, and She helped me out instantly and easily.
The entire session worked wonders for me, whatever wishes I had regarding purchasing jewellery, for having abundance of money and funds for daily life and for new business ventures were being fulfilled. I ventured into a new business that started making full profit and I see that all financial aid is coming my way positively.

Shraddha Agarwal


What Others Feel

I did this course last time and it was truly life transformational. This teaching of Riechaa Parashar, which is – Money is not a matter but a form of energy, has changed my view and I have already started attracting money. Riechaa Parashar taught us how to balance our numerological chart and removed all the blockages which stop us from attracting money energy. She also taught us some techniques which we can use in the future to attract a particular amount in a particular time along with strong conviction. It is worth much more than every penny and a must do course!

Gayatri Kulkarni


Financial problems are something I have struggled with for a very long time. I had many aspirations and plans of setting up a new business and increase my monetary income, but nothing was working. I felt as if there was a blockage somewhere which was stopping me from doing what I wanted to do. I reached out to Riecha Parashar for money magnet sessions, and She helped me out instantly and easily.
The entire session worked wonders for me, whatever wishes I had regarding purchasing jewellery, for having abundance of money and funds for daily life and for new business ventures were being fulfilled. I ventured into a new business that started making full profit and I see that all financial aid is coming my way positively.

Shraddha Agarwal


Money Magnet was a much needed program for me, it helped to open up many blockages which I was not even aware of. The knowledge points given by Riechaa Parashar opened up my mind to a whole new dimension of earning money. Learning about the nature of money and knowing that anyone can make money in a huge number of ways was really uplifting and empowering. I used to consider myself to be destined to earn a small and limited amount of money in my life because of my personality type. This wrong belief system got shattered and that brought great relief within me and it also gave me a positive outlook towards my future. The processes and meditations we learnt were truly amazing. I feel deeply calm and content after completing the program. I am very confident about the fact that I will be able to live the life that I dream about.

Aishwar Singh



The program will be held from 9 pm – 10 pm on all the 3 days of the program.

No, we do not refund the program registration fee after purchase.

Yes, you will be given time to ask all your questions during the start of each session by Riechaa Parashar.

This program is unique because it combines cleansing techniques with water activation which helps to balance the water element and detox your body as well. The initiation meditation will help you to know deeper about your belief system, which is maybe the root cause of your financial problems. The unique meditation and healing techniques with Riechaa Parashar, will help you to remove financial blockages and help you to experience abundance in your life.