The Major effect of Pitra Dosa is that we have to face negative consequences and hurdles which create a negative impact on our lives. This creates a lack of peace & prosperity in our life and family.
Ancestor healing is a profound spiritual way to clear your karma by healing the inherited energy patterns of your ancestors that you are carrying inside your cell memory. It will allow you to clear the ancestral karma by healing the negative energy patterns transmitted from previous generations.
Heal your Ancestors by healing yourself
As per Hindu legends, we owe a karmic debt to our ancestors. By dutifully performing ‘pind daan’ during Shradh, we try to pay it back. After getting released from the circle of life and death from Earth, our 3 preceding generations reside in the world between heaven and earth. Yama, the god of death, leads this world. Here, our ancestors are not able to find respite from their bodily needs such as hunger, pain, thirst, and heat. Only the offerings and puja performed by their succeeding generations on Earth can provide them with relief and ensure their entry into heaven. ‘Pind Daan’ delivers the unfulfilled wishes of our ancestors. The ‘raja-tama’ waves that emerge from their bodies are attracted by animals such as cows, dogs, and birds like crows. Therefore, when we offer food to them, it is believed to be delivered to the pitrus, and they are pleased.
Ancestors DNA Healing Program
Every lineage has a unique identity in the form of its DNA. When modifications are made within us, then all our ancestors and all the people whose impressions we carry, start to witness those changes. So, if there is cleaning done in your DNA here, then all the people who are connected to you also start having changes in their patterns. It is not just your healing, it not only works for you, but it also works for all those people whose impressions you are carrying. Our ancestors feel content on a subtle level when we undergo cleansing within us.
Ancient & Powerful Mantra to Clean Your Ancestral Karma
Some people believe that although we have 12 strands of DNA we only use 2 strands to build our bodies. Apparently the 10 unused strands are called shadow or junk DNA by scientists. Similar to our brain, our DNA has inactive segments to it. With our brain, according to popular belief, we only use approximately 10%. With only 2 active strands in our DNA out of 12, we are only using 16.67% of the available capability stored within our DNA. What would life be life be like if we could tap into the potential of the 12 strands of our DNA? It has been reported that when your DNA is fully engaged and active you are able to experience many things. Among these are: Activated DNA is said to strengthen your immune system and enhance your effectiveness in daily life. By strengthening the immune system your cells are able to heal more quickly. Cells that heal more quickly have a greater capacity to communicate with each other and this leads to greater creativity.
Receive the Blessings of your Ancestors
Intense Cleansing of your aura
Heal the Karmic pain & old wounds
I felt good after the session. At the physical level, I got my periods which were delayed by 2.5 months. Also, I have started taking a stand for myself. I am feeling confident, focused, & clear in my mind. I felt the energy of my ancestors during the session. I also felt they are giving blessings to me, it was so divine that I am getting connected to my ancestors through Riechaa Parashar Ji. Thank you so much for this wonderful session.
My experience was a very liberating and enriching one! I am feeling light & focused. Some of my family member’s behaviors have had positive changes!
Experience intense peace from within and also give yourself a chance to become a medium of the Divine